Calendar / Events / Daily Updates
Last updated: Saturday, October 15th, 2K16
Welcome to Blogonopolis, my all-in-one, one-stop-update center for wazzup, waznew, an' wazappening, Dude? Visit here on any particular day and get an immediate and timely report as to where I am, how I am, how're my cats, the wife, and my latest schemes as to how to make some money from all the stuff's that here.
There's an old saying about if you're so damn smart or talented, how come you ain't rich? I'm still hoping those two things are mutually exclusive. And that it's just a matter of a missing gene or one that got stuck in the wrong place. That happens, you know. In the meantime, I have some ideas about this and that, and I'll just have to keep working, keep scheming, then wait and see what happens. If anything ever does, it will be listed here and you'll be the first to know. If you happen by. Which I hope you will and do so whenever. As always, thanks for listening.
An Important Update:
Please note that this page and everything on it that's talked about and appears to have some kind of master plan involved is, in actuality, a work-in-progress that is neither working nor progressing at this particular time. So don't believe everything you read, especially if it's on this page. As with some other sections of the site, much of this was designed to be incorporated with a functional (as opposed to dysfunctional) shopping cart. Since merchandising has, for now, taken a back seat to everything else, all bets are off, as they say, and in the absence of pricing and sales, DRAGONOPOLIS simply is what it is -- and nothing more.
It has recently become possible to photograph and include a large number of additional artworks into the site; a project that will take some time to complete, but when done, will effectively double the number of original paintings and drawings currently on display. The first third of this endeavor has already been implemented and can be seen by visiting The Basic Galleries listed under IMAGINOMICON. The TYRONE RESTORATIONS (Attack of the Blood-Sucking Dinobytes) is also new and can be found on page IMA15 also listed under IMAGINOMICON.
It has recently become possible to photograph and include a large number of additional artworks into the site; a project that will take some time to complete, but when done, will effectively double the number of original paintings and drawings currently on display. The first third of this endeavor has already been implemented and can be seen by visiting The Basic Galleries listed under IMAGINOMICON. The TYRONE RESTORATIONS (Attack of the Blood-Sucking Dinobytes) is also new and can be found on page IMA15 also listed under IMAGINOMICON.
Sail Aweigh
Another Important Update:
Except for future error corrections and the inclusion of an additional essay here and there, both the website art and text are now relatively complete, all of which represents an informal conclusion to the website as a whole. The site has essentially reached its limit, given the limitations of the Weebly program that was used to create it. I hope some visitors will return over and over again, and discover most or all of what there is to see and read. In addition, the site now contains the full extent of the artworks at my personal disposal, each of which were individually photographed by me, then resized, cropped, enhanced, repaired, and otherwise prepped for display. One of the more interesting things I learned (at least in Weebly) is how we always want our uploaded images to be larger in pixel size, than what we envision as their final size once embedded. You can always resize smaller, but any larger results in a blurred graphic.
The bulk of my time and attention from this point forward, for those interested, will be spent on book and website promotion, plus some new original art when circumstances permit. I didn't want to make a big deal out of this, hence my placement of this notification at the end of this section, where I pretty much concluded the whole business once and for all. It's been quite a journey and I'm very grateful for having the opportunity to finally, after all these years, leave a visual and literary legacy for all the world to see and read. The internet allows one's delusions of grandeur to be slightly less deluded.
In a certain sense, the website now serves as my personal memoirs. I feel as though one door is closing and that Monty Hall's ghost (from the show, Let's Make A Deal) is now presenting me with three new curtains from which to choose one or more new directions. The scary part is that I just know there's a booby prize (a goat, maybe) waiting behind one of those curtains, while the other two are likely pretty safe. Well, we'll just have to plow ahead and see what the morrow brings. I keep hoping someone will stumble across this site one day soon and pass me around among their friends. Deluded thinking? Probably.
So for now, I'm off to cross some errant tee's and dot a few still-undotted eye's. That ought to keep me busy for several more days. I'm guessing that in about another week or two, I can cut the lines and set this boat adrift. After that, and like the Flying Dutchman ghost ship, my fate and future will depend on fair winds and quiet seas. Wish me luck.
Bob (Bobby) Anton, September, 2K14
The bulk of my time and attention from this point forward, for those interested, will be spent on book and website promotion, plus some new original art when circumstances permit. I didn't want to make a big deal out of this, hence my placement of this notification at the end of this section, where I pretty much concluded the whole business once and for all. It's been quite a journey and I'm very grateful for having the opportunity to finally, after all these years, leave a visual and literary legacy for all the world to see and read. The internet allows one's delusions of grandeur to be slightly less deluded.
In a certain sense, the website now serves as my personal memoirs. I feel as though one door is closing and that Monty Hall's ghost (from the show, Let's Make A Deal) is now presenting me with three new curtains from which to choose one or more new directions. The scary part is that I just know there's a booby prize (a goat, maybe) waiting behind one of those curtains, while the other two are likely pretty safe. Well, we'll just have to plow ahead and see what the morrow brings. I keep hoping someone will stumble across this site one day soon and pass me around among their friends. Deluded thinking? Probably.
So for now, I'm off to cross some errant tee's and dot a few still-undotted eye's. That ought to keep me busy for several more days. I'm guessing that in about another week or two, I can cut the lines and set this boat adrift. After that, and like the Flying Dutchman ghost ship, my fate and future will depend on fair winds and quiet seas. Wish me luck.
Bob (Bobby) Anton, September, 2K14
Most of what follows has been left in place as it was originally began, and for posterity purposes from here on. Instead of deleting it all, some of this is a fun (even sentimental) reminder of my meager attempt to keep this kind of thing going indefinitely. If and when the site goes more commercial, a section of this sort would still be a good idea worth pursuing. Until then, it is what it is.
A Daily Colander of Events
So why do calendars start out with Sunday and end on Saturday? I could Google the answer, but I'd rather just complain about it for now. Well, my calendar's going to always begin on a Monday and end on Friday. Saturdays and Sundays are their own kind of two-day week that have always held a special (and playful) place in my heart. If you want to catch me in a good mood, it's usually on a weekend. So if everybody calls them the weekend, how come calendars don't? I'll just have to look that up one day.
For now, far more important beckonings hail my time and attention. Such as editing. You'll hear me gripe more about the topic of editing than about any other pet peeve. Just the other day I found a big word in bold type -- spelled wrong. And I had stared at the word a dozen times. So if you want to catch me in a bad mood, try anytime during the week when I'm editing something or other. Don't worry, I'm still cordial, charming, and reasonably coherent even on busy, troublesome days.
For now, far more important beckonings hail my time and attention. Such as editing. You'll hear me gripe more about the topic of editing than about any other pet peeve. Just the other day I found a big word in bold type -- spelled wrong. And I had stared at the word a dozen times. So if you want to catch me in a bad mood, try anytime during the week when I'm editing something or other. Don't worry, I'm still cordial, charming, and reasonably coherent even on busy, troublesome days.
Today I set up the Blogonopolis calendar page. Still configuring how the layout will work out. Very pleased with my last two essays on Astronomicon and Noumenomicon, on Space-time, and General Semantics in that order. Lots of final editing to do on all the essays and other stuff, which will keep me busy for a while. People just don't like to write letters anymore, even short ones, preferring fb and twitter to email. I'll have to write an essay one day soon about why that is.
Today I'm repairing the damages done from yesterday, meaning stuff that gets thrown on a wall and some of it sticks and some of it...well, you get the idea. Starting to think seriously about contacting people on other strange and wonderful websites, exchanging links and the like. Wonder if I'll have much success doing so. My immediate plans are to continue making the site as uniform and consistent as possible. Just like in a novel. Arizona, like California, is having a real dry spell.
Newsflash: I'm doing more editing today. After the grocery shopping. Just between you and me, I should do more editing and less grocery shopping. But that's another story. I think I see a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. Nope, just another typo that needs fixing. I think I'll be able to get back to the General Semantics overview today. It still needs lots of organization and clean-up. As if anybody's ever going to read any of that. Too bad, it's really good stuff. Mainly because it's the work of someone else.
Headache day yesterday, nature's way of telling me I'm not 60 anymore. They come and go because my brain is obviously too big for my head -- or is that my ego? Diving into editing today. Choosing colors for titles and such is tough. Want it to be colorful but not circus-like. I'll leave that to my writing. Ciao.
Friday already. I almost forgot to log an entry. Gee, what a loss to the world that would be. I did write and enter into Noumenomicon what is likely my last essay for a while. God, I can hear the cheers from here. Called, How long does a Now last? I think it's a good way to end things for now. I also added a new spot to the Tour page. Enough already, time to get back to the really important stuff, like editing and fixing mistakes. Which in my case is redundant. March already? What the hell year is it?
MARCH 2014
Edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, eat lunch, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, eat dinner, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit, edit...
Big announcement today. Well, big for me, teeny-weenie for you. A lot more clean-up and reading to do. Okay, so I like to read my own stuff. So many errors, so little time. At least the whole shopping cart thing is put to rest for now. Too big a job, even for a small operation selling relatively so little. Onward and forward. Oscars? In today's political and social climate? No way. Didn't see any of the films anyway. Maybe I can be the new Grouch on Sesame Street. Now that would be a hoot and a half.
If I type something here and it's still only Sunday, is that like a time displacement thing where I've made contact with the future? Never mind, I'm in the process of emailing a slew (how many is a slew?) of dragon websites, trying to get the people who run them to share a link with me. So far I'm averaging one reply per 15 messages sent. It's got to be easier than that. It will be interesting to see how many I can get over the next several days. It's also kind of fun, unless I average one reply per 150 messages.
Hey, I lost a day. It's already Wednezday because I'm doing this networking thing with other dragon websites and such. Whoever said it's a jungle out there, didn't know the half-of-it, or have a computer and access to the internet.
Set up some new lynx on the lynx page. And a big one in the lobby. Really a lot of work. I don't know how others handle gobs of these kind of things. I'm discovering that most of them are too busy, obviously, to so much as acknowledge email inquiries. They're too busy with their faces stuck on facebook. I think it's aptly titled. Do I sound bitter? If I don't, than you're not reading me, literally or figuratively. See what comes.
Shortly after Sunday, March 30, 2014, I accidentally deleted the Lobby page of this website. It's easier to do than you'd think. Not until the second week of April was the missing page rebuilt and restored from scratch. Click here to read about more about the details of what happened. In hindsight, it's an interesting story that needed to be told and had it not been for my inadvertent blunder, few people would know the truth, except for web-hosts themselves.
What's not widely known is that people using the Weebly Drag & Drop site builder are doing so without a functional, automatically restorable backup of their site, either in part or whole. Those who may find this troubling -- even shocking -- assertion hard to believe, are invited to read my open letter, in its entirety, that deals exclusively with this sad, oddly fortunate revelation.
Update: Both Weebly and Ipage now offer a new and improved -- and fee-based -- program for users who need or want to back up their data. The new version supposedly offers the ability to retrieve and restore as little or as much website data as is deemed necessary. I have yet to verify that this is indeed the case, which is to say that former versions of a website's content, whether ten seconds old, or from ten days prior, is available as a fully "editable" restoration.
Important final update: Per the information in the paragraph above, about an advertised backup and restore option offered by my web host, it turns out that nothing has changed since my original incident from 2014. It strikes me as odd, even peculiar (were I feeling charitable with my words) that Ipage advertises its "new" backup and restore option with no mention whatsoever, that Weebly users are unable to avail themselves of the features offered by the fee-based backup and restore system. When queried about this situation, Ipage support techs first answered, yes, I could use the backup and restore function. Then in the very next sentence, said, no, that backup and restore does not work with Weebly builders. Had I not questioned support prior to purchasing a one-year contract to start, I would have had no way of knowing that my money was not only wasted on a useless product, but in the event of a problem where I would have needed to restore a lost or damaged section of my site, I would have been unprepared for an extremely nasty surprise.
This particular page (Blogonopolis) and its content need to be rethought and re-imagined, so until then, I'm just leaving things as they are. Check back here once every six months or so to see if I came up with anything interesting. Otherwise, I recommend you go read one of the poems found on the Poetree page listed under IMAGINOMICON.
What's not widely known is that people using the Weebly Drag & Drop site builder are doing so without a functional, automatically restorable backup of their site, either in part or whole. Those who may find this troubling -- even shocking -- assertion hard to believe, are invited to read my open letter, in its entirety, that deals exclusively with this sad, oddly fortunate revelation.
Update: Both Weebly and Ipage now offer a new and improved -- and fee-based -- program for users who need or want to back up their data. The new version supposedly offers the ability to retrieve and restore as little or as much website data as is deemed necessary. I have yet to verify that this is indeed the case, which is to say that former versions of a website's content, whether ten seconds old, or from ten days prior, is available as a fully "editable" restoration.
Important final update: Per the information in the paragraph above, about an advertised backup and restore option offered by my web host, it turns out that nothing has changed since my original incident from 2014. It strikes me as odd, even peculiar (were I feeling charitable with my words) that Ipage advertises its "new" backup and restore option with no mention whatsoever, that Weebly users are unable to avail themselves of the features offered by the fee-based backup and restore system. When queried about this situation, Ipage support techs first answered, yes, I could use the backup and restore function. Then in the very next sentence, said, no, that backup and restore does not work with Weebly builders. Had I not questioned support prior to purchasing a one-year contract to start, I would have had no way of knowing that my money was not only wasted on a useless product, but in the event of a problem where I would have needed to restore a lost or damaged section of my site, I would have been unprepared for an extremely nasty surprise.
This particular page (Blogonopolis) and its content need to be rethought and re-imagined, so until then, I'm just leaving things as they are. Check back here once every six months or so to see if I came up with anything interesting. Otherwise, I recommend you go read one of the poems found on the Poetree page listed under IMAGINOMICON.
Upcoming Events
"The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men, gang aft agley."
The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. I can think of no better foundation upon which to plan one's future. I certainly have no compunction of joining ranks with the rest of the rodents in the world and commiserating over the woeful plights facing everyone -- no matter who (or what) you are. As my pal, Alfred Korzibski once said, happiness is achieved via maximum motivation and minimum expectation. That's pretty much how a mouse views the world in my opinion. The little buggers are smarter than what we usually give them credit for. If they ever figure out that trap thing, we might all be in trouble. Or if they started colluding with cats and pooling their efforts. But I digress.
My idea here is to list anything of particular importance that I either have planned or are in the process of actually doing. All of this is still so new with respect to the website and all, that most everything is still in the planning stage. Even my plans are still being planned. I've yet to figure out how to sell stuff and maybe make a few bucks. Is it even possible to convert such a thing (as this site) into a money-making venture? Or will people take one look and run away screaming? Well, not so much screaming, but maybe whimpering a little.
My idea here is to list anything of particular importance that I either have planned or are in the process of actually doing. All of this is still so new with respect to the website and all, that most everything is still in the planning stage. Even my plans are still being planned. I've yet to figure out how to sell stuff and maybe make a few bucks. Is it even possible to convert such a thing (as this site) into a money-making venture? Or will people take one look and run away screaming? Well, not so much screaming, but maybe whimpering a little.
Your attention please.
Here's a new update about buying my stuff via
a "shopping-cart" or any other organized,
mechanized, or automated method:
As of March 1, 2K14, there will be no "shopping-cart"
or any other organized, mechanized, or automated
way to to buy my stuff.
This notice will remain in effect until further notice.
Check this page regularly (about once a year) for
any new notices or updates. Thanks.
April, 2K14
Please note that this notice is intended to describe an indefinite period.
In the meantime, if you simply must have one (or a hundred) of my prints,
please contact me via any of the hundred (or so) contact-forms that are
spread throughout the site. We can then proceed from there. Thanks.
In the meantime, if you simply must have one (or a hundred) of my prints,
please contact me via any of the hundred (or so) contact-forms that are
spread throughout the site. We can then proceed from there. Thanks.
Nothing going on this Saturday or the next.
Nothing going on this Sunday or the next.
The Absolute Latest!
Now available in the Amazon.com Kindle eBook store:
The last and final book in the DRAGONS AMONG US series:
The Preliminary Outlines
Click below for an open and up-front overview of the underlying
details behind the closing chapters of this exciting series.
The last and final book in the DRAGONS AMONG US series:
The Preliminary Outlines
Click below for an open and up-front overview of the underlying
details behind the closing chapters of this exciting series.
* * * *
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